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Top 10 Hotels in Tagbilaran City

Popular Accommodation Types in Tagbilaran City

Thu, 27 Mar - Fri, 28 Mar

Top Attractions in Tagbilaran City

    Tagbilaran City

    Tagbilaran is known as the pit-stop to the sprawling Chocolate Hills, flourishing beaches and bountiful wildlife of Bohol. But the city is not without wonders of its own. Hitch a ride by rickshaw to Banat-i-Hill that commands a scenic view over the Bohol Sea or to Balay Kabilinn to immerse yourself in Tagbilaran folk traditions. Though absent of monuments, Tagbilaran is surrounded by radiant beaches worthy of marvel, easing your stay here. recently found 136 hotels in Tagbilaran City, Philippines. Find a range of accommodation in Tagbilaran City at great prices. Book luxury Tagbilaran City hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Tagbilaran City with affordable room rates.

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