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Zanzibar City
389 hotels
Dar es Salaam
606 hotels
77 hotels
555 hotels
36 hotels
14 hotels
49 hotels


Tanzania’s prominent sights and sounds need little introduction – Mount Kilimanjaro stands as the tallest peak in all of Africa, the great Serengeti is home to all sorts of wildlife, and the picturesque Zanzibar Archipelago mesmerises with its crystal – clear waters and pristine beaches. Nomadic tribes like the Maasai and Barabaig intermingle with Tanzanians, but everyone is equally warm and polite.

Find hotels in Tanzania compare hotel rates and book the best hotel deals online.

Select the city within Tanzania you will travel to e.g. Zanzibar City, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Iringa, Bukoba.

Wego will search hundreds of travel websites and return a listing of accommodation options including: inns, resorts, motels, hostels, bed and breakfast and more.